Friday, October 19, 2012

Grab on to this earth

Grab on to this earth!
Hold it tight.
Let it fill the creases of your hands.
Let it fill your hands ,as the sands of time empty from this hourglass.
Do not swim upstream,but let the currents of this river of life take you.
Let it become part of you.
Your are one with this hallowed ground.
This place of blood,tears and reconciliation.
The sins of fathers and sons lie in this dirt.
The cleansing blood of God covers this land.
It came and washed away the blood, but there are still stains.
The pain it burns like the hot ember of a fire that has been burning way to long.
I sit there by the fire watching my father cry and remember.
"Grab on to this earth" he cries!
Hold it and never let go.
Put it deep in your heart.
Let the memories be brought up into your hands.
This earth holds it all.
On a quiet night I traveled alone to the barn and sat there on the dirt floor.
Grabbing this dirt to put away.
Packing away memories,tears,and laughter.
Each one as special as the next.
My hands are covered in these memories.
My heart ached as I raked away the dreams of the barn one last time.
Packing them into the coffee can that is my heart.
This place is a platform for my dreams and aspirations.
Where I learned to be a man with boots on my feet and heart in my hands
I learned to live simply and enjoy life's little flickers of honesty
Because I know that the thread of life ends here in strands.
The time has come to walk away.
But I can't bear to move.
I must grab on to this earth!
I can't let go.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012


   Instead of me writing this time, I will let the musical talents of Justin Vernon ( Bon Iver) shine. So watch this video and enjoy.