Wednesday, May 15, 2013

A Conclusion; A Beginning

"I'm here somewhere in between Victory and a White flag."
I sit on the cusp of life , looking back to the memories we've had.
I walk these halls of my youth, filled with pain, love , joy and...
Proof that it had meaning.
With a few of you, and with a few things I never crossed the T's or dotted the I's.
To them I say sorry for not being real, but this is no conclusion.
We have a chance to live this life honestly.
In the depths of our hearts and minds we cry out hoping.
Hoping that this is true.
Praying that this isn't a lie we've been told since we were kids.
For some our paths shall lead to different places.
As we embark on life we look back and remember all of the faces.
All of the faces and hearts that touched our lives.
These people whether good or bad , shaped us.
From the school yard bully, to the pretty girl in your class.
They have helped mold you into who you are.
Not to say that you are not uniquely  yourself .
This is a conclusion yet a beginning.
I know people cannot stand the cliche.
But these words are true , these words I cry out to my future ,these words I give to you and say.
This is a benediction and a prelude .
We all see it a different way.
The question is which one will you choose?

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