Friday, June 15, 2012

Creation ,Fall,Redemption

A light, a soft flame in the darkness
gives a soft glow to the boundless deep.
Indescribable; a form that will be earth sits in silence.
A silence that is so silent that it is loud.
A voice made up of a thousand voices. 
Speaks life into nothing. 
A chaotic order spreads across a formless earth.
Light is separated by darkness.
Creation was as chaotic as an explosion but as beautiful and calming as a falling snow.
Sun and Moon are divided
Through this mysterious life Adam was guided.
The serpent;gods law.
Man partook , then the fall.
Banished for life,an eternal curse
Waiting silently for redemptions birth.
Loud like creation but quiete as the night,
Emmanuel the Lord claimed His birth right.
A child, a savior,a divine king.
A heavenly gift to the world he did bring.
A fishermen, a sheperd, a teacher.
A human, yet divine and holy creature.
God created, God cursed,God forgave.
He raised us from the muck and mire,
and filled in the grave.