Monday, April 16, 2012

By The Fireside - Reflection,Poem, Prayer.

The light reflects off their weather worn faces. From years of hunting ducks in the canals and sitting through cold deer hunt mornings.The fire, lights up their glasses and smiles as the laugh and joke of unseen memories."Remember that time we got caught drinking corn liquor by the creek?" Two small town farm boys, reminiscent of days gone by. Back when, they could go out and hunt wood ducks for days and night spend a single dime. I sit their , almost reverently listening to them spin their age old yarns. About early morning turkey hunt's out here on the Cauthen Family Farm. This fire pit has been home to laughter,tears, and sorrow. Tall tale stories and predictions about the hunt of tomorrow. For years I have sat and listened to these men talk,laugh,and joke. As the years go by, I am finding myself telling some tales of my own. " Remember fishing old Lazy Hawk pond?" These fire nights are numbered, I know this is true. But please oh please Lord give us many more fire nights under many more moons.

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