Monday, March 25, 2013

Oh the ties that bind

We sit in our pews , like children on a school day.
Hands folded neatly in our laps. 
Bow ties, blazers , an old geezer in the back yawns and steals a nap. 
Empty lives, empty souls?
Are you here to check off your salvation ?
Going once , going twice...Sold! 
To the highest bidder?
What does it even matter to you? 
Let this be a relationship not a ritual.
You sit here week after week, 
fake smile, small talk... isn't this all trivial?
Do you claim to follow the man who was either lunatic, liar, or lord?
Many of us forgot his sovereignty and stared at our shoes and the church's old linoleum floor.
Wake up and smell the roses. 
Time is fleeting , even the common man knows this.
I do not preach of hell fire 
But at the end of the day even the scoffers and judgmental ones will sit wide eyed and listen.
To the story of depravity, forgiveness, redemption.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

"A Son of Suburbia"

"I am a son of Suburbia"
A dreamer of dreams that are interrupted at the wrong moment.
A lover of lands that have been lost to a sea of blank faces.
Houses one by one that sit the same.
Back yard barbecues , flag football, and summer games.
Street lamps that blot out the stars.
This land is torn up , ruined and dying
...I still see the scars .
Man made game trails that all can follow.
Where are the times of the sycamore tree, whipper will call , and old barn swallow?
I sit and stare at the view in my head. Of the land , the trees , and of the old barn dirt in its can by my bed.
A son of Suburbia , I throw down these ties that bind
Over the city of walls, over these streets to the mountains I climb.
To a place I once knew. To a time I once loved.
Early morning walks through the pastures, I can almost hear the call of the mourning dove.
I open my eyes and see that all is the same.
A son of Suburbia's life is black , grey , and mundane.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

A Confession of Sin with a Ray of Hope

We walk in the valley of the shadow of death, but there is a path
We are lost in the dark of night , but there will be a dawn
We are struck down but there is a hand.
We find that our lives are hard sometimes, its funny how that works
We complain , gnash our teeth and think about ourselves
We look to the floor , instead of looking to the heavens
We search for answers in culture , when they are in a book a few feet away ,or in a prayer that we need to pray
But there is hope. Hope in a God ; in a being that is ours and we are His.
"But for those who fear my name, a son of righteousness will rise , with healing in His wings."
So rise from this mire you are in. Bow your head , quiet your heart and pour out your praise , pour out your sin.
He is listening and quietly waiting.
For us to accept His gift of Forgiveness

Monday, March 4, 2013

A Challenge For Today. A Legacy For Tomorrow

     I am a dreamer. I'm always looking to the next thing or adventure. In my room I have a list on an old notebook called The List For Life. In this list are far away places , activities I want to do , and dreams I hope to fulfill. For a few years I have poured over magazines articles, documentaries ...the list goes on. I became obsessed with these future adventures and experiences. I found myself not even caring about the present. Why? As Christians we are called to look towards the kingdom and not to conform to things of this life. We are hardwired to look towards the final reward. The time when we will stand face to face with our maker and hear the words. "Well done , my good and faithful servant". 
    Last week was missions week at my school. We heard several speakers talk about relevant topics in society today. Such as Islam, Human Trafficking, and the Plight of developing countries. This week  taught me that we should not only live for the future but for today! We must rise up one and all and fulfill the call He has given us.

      I'm not saying that we shouldn't have dreams, in fact I believe all should have a list of aspirations. However, we should also keep an open heart and mind towards the will of God. People need the Gospel now! Not after your next trip, not after college. Not when you have a day off from work. Being part of the "Jesus Culture" there is a stereotype that we as Christians can only be missionaries if we sell everything we own and live in a mud hut for x amount of years. This is not true. We are called to our schools or vocations for a reason. Yes , it is true. You can evangelize in America. We often excuse ourselves from mission , saying it not our calling. That is wrong. So start the conversation , answer questions, just be a friend. You don't have to go all Billy Graham tent revival on someone. Let your actions reflect the faith you "claim" to be a follower of. Let them see that you are "different". This is my challenge for today. What will the legacy be, that you leave tomorrow?