Monday, March 25, 2013

Oh the ties that bind

We sit in our pews , like children on a school day.
Hands folded neatly in our laps. 
Bow ties, blazers , an old geezer in the back yawns and steals a nap. 
Empty lives, empty souls?
Are you here to check off your salvation ?
Going once , going twice...Sold! 
To the highest bidder?
What does it even matter to you? 
Let this be a relationship not a ritual.
You sit here week after week, 
fake smile, small talk... isn't this all trivial?
Do you claim to follow the man who was either lunatic, liar, or lord?
Many of us forgot his sovereignty and stared at our shoes and the church's old linoleum floor.
Wake up and smell the roses. 
Time is fleeting , even the common man knows this.
I do not preach of hell fire 
But at the end of the day even the scoffers and judgmental ones will sit wide eyed and listen.
To the story of depravity, forgiveness, redemption.


  1. Love this... so true and very well said. Good to see you in Charlotte!

  2. Thanks so much. It's a bit of a rant I know but it was on my heart. I feel that today's church culture in some respects can be a bit fake. Not to say that the church as a whole is fake. In fact the eastern countries churches are popping up everywhere. I feel that the "Jesus culture" of america has turned Christianity into a checklist religion.
