Saturday, May 21, 2011

wood and steel melody - a poem to my guitar

You rest easily upon my lap
to the side lies your loosley hung strap
You have a subtle grace about you
As if you've always been in tune
With something more than just strings
But of more complex things
You came from a tree long ago
Hand picked ,and crafted just so
To be a gift that sparked a passion
Who's joy it gave would never go out of fashion
Countless hours of playing you've seen
From this great knowledge of music I have gleaned
You may not be the nicest ,and your definitly not the worst
But one thing is for sure I know you will always work
Many more years we will be a team
Playing for others to show them the true meaning
Of music ,and its gift it brings
To enlighten peoples minds ,and to capture their hearts
To trigger the spark of passion that you impart

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