Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Rain is Jazz

Rain is a wonderful thing.Today it is raining and all is right with the world.
I came home and put on jeans and wool socks and skated across the floor like a speed skater in the Olympics. I listened to good smooth jazz while my window had tiny little fingers rapping on the pane. I drove through the rain be-bopping along to some smooth Miles Davis.
Rain is Jazz. It is is the sharp ,smooth, inconsistent yet ordered event that sometimes happens on a good afternoon. To some, rain is a pain (not trying to be corny lyricist). But for me it is a chance to throw on some comfortable clothes and spend a good afternoon inside by a fire,or reading a good book. Rain has always reminded me of Jazz because I grew up listening to Jazz. When I was a little boy I would go spend weekends with my grandfather and go hunting or work in the barn. At the end of every night after prayers, I would crawl into the rickety old twin bed and stair out the window at the stars or ...rain and start to doze off. Now if your from the upstate of South Carolina, chances are you don't have an alarm system. So our alarm was the sound of a radio. We left it on all the time to "ward off intruders". But, we all new that was a load of bull and left it on anyway. As I would fall asleep I would here Jazz on the radio. This sparked my love for music in the beginning. I have these memories of laying in that bed ,listening to jazz crackle through the old GE radio that sat in my grandfathers room and know that I was safe. Away from the rain outside and in the warmth of the covers and music that surrounded me. The house,the house had its own music too. The thump of the gas heater rumbling through the wall, or the sound of the fridge quietly buzzing. The sound of the screen door slamming. The sound of the coffee maker in the morning. The house was music and safety too. So on days like this with the rain softly falling , I look back to what once was. Rain makes me nostalgic. Sometimes in a good way,some times bad. Someone once told me that rain makes them sad ,but mindful of the happy memories it brings them. On the path of life there will be hardship, but you must hold on to the things you love, remembering the the times that were good and the times to come. In this case for me, rain is jazz. It is the spark of a passion, the comfort of a father figure,and the memories of a places taken by the sands of time.

1 comment:

  1. I love this. There's just something about rain... just something about an old house... just something about jazz... something that makes you feel safe. You tied it all together. Can't believe I forgot about your blog and Logan's blog for so long.
