Wednesday, March 21, 2012

A post for that which was lost

Sweet smile, simple grace.
Her soft blue eyes, she in her own special way touched our hearts and small piece of the ever moving human race.
When she left us, time stood still. A tear rolled down my cheek as I gazed heavenward from my windowsill.
He took her up and gave her new life.
He our heavenly husband, the body of Christ is his wife.
When I to enter his gates as the wedding bells ring.
I believe you will be by Saint Peter smiling.
We all miss you with a painful ache in our soul.
But as time drags by our hurting hearts become whole.
But its nights like this, with the moon hanging high.
I sit by my windowsill ,and gaze at you Libby in the night sky. 
Searching for a sign keeping deep faith.
That you my dear aunt will once again meet me face to face.  

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